Lake Christine (6,595 ft)

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Connects: Basalt State Wildlife Area, Kelly Lake Road

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Lake Christine

Lake Christine in the Basalt State Wildlife Area

    Basalt, CO – Lake

    Lake Christine (6,595 ft) is a lake in the Basalt State Wildlife Area in Basalt, CO. This lake site includes: a restroom, picnic shelter and barbecue pit.

    News about Lake Christine can be found at:
    Aspen Times (Oct. 11, 2015) – Water level restricted in Basalt’s Lake Christine for safety concerns
    Aspen Times (May 4, 2015) – Water leak explored at Basalt’s Lake Christine

    More information about Lake Christine can be found at:
    Colorado Parks and Wildlife – Basalt SWA

    Signs at a kiosk at Lake Christine read: (Click to expand)
    Lake Christine Unit


    • Alcoholic beverages are prohibited on shooting range.
    • Boating is prohibited on Lake Christine.
    • Camping is prohibited except during regular big game seasons plus three (3) days before and three (3) days after such season.
    • With the exception of Lake Christine and the shooting range areas, all activity is prohibited from December 1 to April 15 of the following year.
    • Fires are prohibited.
    • Swimming, wading, floating and other water contact is prohibited on Lake Christine.
    • Dogs are prohibited.
    • Off-road motorized and mechanized travel including bicycles is prohibited.

    Wildlife of Christine Unit

    This part of Basalt SWA includes pinyon-juniper, sagebrush, montane shrub, and riparian habitats. With such a variety of habitat, many different wildlife species from amphibians to large mammals thrive here. With patience, these animals’ natural behaviors can be observed.

    While visiting your SWA, be respectful of wildlife, their habitat, and other SWA users.

    Wildlife Viewing Tips

    • Vist during dawn and dusk when wildlife is most active.
    • Slow down, take your time.
    • Use binoculars, spotting scopes or a camera with a telephoto lens to view from a distance.
    • If an animal changes behavior, you are too close.
    • Leave pets at home.
    • NEVER feed wild animals.

    Winter Habitat Conservation

    The Colorado Division of Wildlife (CDOW) creates State Wildlife Areas (SWA) to protect important wildlife habitat. Basalt SWA is managed by the CDOW and was purchased using sportsmen’s dollars.

    Elk and deer winter range is very limited in Eagle County. Harsh winters can include sub-zero temperatures and deep snow accumulation. Many area elk and deer depend on the habitat the Basalt SWA provides.

    A seasonal closure is in place from December 1 through April 15 for the upland areas of Basalt SWA. The closure provides wildlife of this area a resting place. Winter and spring are a critical time for many species of wildlife in Colorado. Give wildlife a break and observe closures and report violators.”

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    Posted in Barbecue Grill, Basalt Parks, Basalt State Wildlife Area, Hiking, Lake, Picnic Table, Sites, Walking Tagged with:

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