Connects: Gianinetti Park

Gianinetti Park Disc Golf Course in Carbondale
Carbondale, CO – Disc Golf
The Gianinetti Park Disc Golf Course is a 9 hole disc golf course at Gianinetti Park in Carbondale, CO.
More information about the Gianinetti Park Disc Golf Course can be found at:
DG Course Review – Gianinetti Park DGC
1. Be respectful of all park users & neighboring homeowners.
2. All other park users and activities have the right of way.
3. Do not climb fences to retrieve discs. Respect backyard privacy. Put name and phone on disc for them to call you.
4. Do not alter trees or other obstacles on the course.
5. Do not litter or leave anything, including cigarette butts.
6. Do not throw disc until the area ahead is clear of people.
7. Yell “FORE” if you think your disc may hit a park user.
8. Be cautious of children in playground and seniors walking.
9. All holes are par 3 except #5, which is par 2.
10. The safety of other park users and your flying discs not hitting anyone must be your #1 concern. Have fun!
11. Call Recreation Dept. 704-4114 to report Disc Golf issues.”