Connects: Rio Grande Park

The Aspen Skate Park at Rio Grande Park
Aspen, CO – Skate Park
The Rio Grande Skate Park, also known as the Aspen Skate Park, is a concrete area for skating at Rio Grande Park in Aspen, CO. The skate park includes:
Skate Park Elements
Hours of operation 8:00 AM to Sunset
1. Use this facility at your own risk
2. Helmets are mandatory (Section 1.04.080)
3. No bicycles or scooters/razors
4. No alcohol, tobacco or drugs
5. Adding or modifying ramps is prohibited
6. Glass containers are prohibited
7. No stickers or graffiti in any form
The above rules an regulations have been adopted by the Aspen City Council to protect your safety. Any person failing to follow these rules and regulations shall be subject to eviction form the park and prosecution pursuant to Section 1.04.080 of the Aspen Municipal Code.
Skateboarding and In-Line skating are hazardous recreational activities. Use of this facility may result in serious injury or death. The City of Aspen does not assume any responsibility for the injuries or death. Each person entering this facility assumes all risks associated with the use of this facility.
This facility has been designed for use by skateboards and rollerbladers. In order to provide a safe and enjoyable experience, the following warning and regulations have been posted. Please heed the warning and observe all regulations.
Report all injuries to the City of Aspen Recreation Department at 920-5140
Call 911 for serious injuries or medical emergencies
Please keep park clean; put trash into proper containers
Violators not following the Regulations at Rio Grande Skate Park, per Municipal code 21.36.020, will be subject to the following fines:
1st Offense $35
2nd Offence $70
3rd Offence $140 and mandatory court appearance“